Mission Statement:

The Ůֱ’s core mission is to convene individuals from around the world to learn about science and carry out research together. The success of this mission critically depends upon the diversity of individuals at the MBLand their respective ideals. To achieve excellence the MBLmust provide an equitable, safe, and inclusive environment that actively values the diverse contributions and competing perspectives of every member of our community.


The Ůֱ Diversity and Inclusion Committee advises the Director on diversity, equity and inclusion issues related to campus climate, programming, policy, and other areas. The Committee is composed of a cross section of MBLfaculty and staff and reports to the Director.

The MBLDiversity and Inclusion Committee:

  • Assesses the current diversity and inclusion climate on campus, and advises the MBLadministration on initiatives to improve our community.
  • Provides feedback to MBLleadership on continuing revisions of institutional policies to prevent inequities or harassment based on who people are.
  • Develops and implements programming and activities (including training and workshops, social events, etc.) that foster greater understanding of the issues that affect minoritized and marginalized individuals.
  • Partners with other local institutions through the Woods Hole Diversity Initiative to create a welcoming environment for everyone in the community.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for us, please feel free to reach out directly to any member on the Ůֱ Diversity and Inclusion Committee or email ŮֱDiversityCommittee@mbl.edu.

David Mark Welch (Chair – Ůֱ; Bay Paul Center)
Carissa April (Ůֱ; Development)
Briana Bertochi (Ůֱ; Research)
Courtney Buckley (Ůֱ; Human Resources)
David Burgess (Whitman Scientist, Boston College)
Alison Crawford (Ůֱ: Chief of Staff)
*Bailey Fallon (Ůֱ; Bay Paul Center)
Cheri Gherst (Ůֱ; Education)
Linda Hyman (Ůֱ; Director of Education)
Diana Kenney (Ůֱ; Communications)
Jim McIlvain (Carl Zeiss, Emeritus)
Sarah Merolla (Ůֱ: Ecosystems Center)
Margherita Perillo (Ůֱ: Bell Center)
Matthew Person (Ůֱ; ŮֱWHOI Library)
Cristina Roman-Vendrell (Ůֱ: Bell Center)
Amber Salvage (Ůֱ: Research)
Ann Sweck (Ůֱ: Human Resources)
*Suzanne Thomas (Ůֱ: Ecosystems Center)
Clare Waterman (Whitman Scientist, NIH)

*MBLrepresentatives on the