mel v figure

MBLMEL V is a simplified, annual-time-step version of MBLMEL IV. It is easier to implement and less computationally intensive than the daily time-step version of the MEL model (version IV). MBLMEL V combines the separate ammonium and nitrate into dissolved inorganic nitrogen and the carbon and light resources into a single resource labeled carbon. It also replaces the water budget with a simple moisture index. Application of MBLMEL V to Hubbard Brook shows that it captures the long-term dynamics of the daily time-step model (MBLMEL IV) well.


Kranabetter, J.M., S.K. Enders, J.M. Fraterrigo, P.E. Higuera, K.K. McLauchlan, J.L. Morris, E.B. Rastetter, R. Barnes, B. Buma, D.G. Gavin, L.M. Gerhart, L. Gillson, P. Hietz, M.C. Mack, B. McNeil, and S. Perakis. Submitted. Temporal scaling of biogeochemical response to ecosystem disturbance. Ecosystems

Rastetter, E.B., R.D. Yanai, T.J. Fahey, M.C. Fisk, B.L. Kwiatkowski, G.R. Shaver, and M.C. Mack. In preparation. A biogeochemical theory of primary and secondary succession.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grants #OPP-9318529, OPP-9732281, DEB-9509613, DEB 0716067 (OPUS), DEB-0108960, ARC-0806329, EF-1065587, ARC-0856853, and DEB-0949420 and the Environmental Protection Agency under grants RFQ-RT-00-00107 and QT-RT-00-001667. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Marine Biological Laboratory, the National Science Foundation or the Environmental Protection Agency.