Eberhard Anatol

The MBLnotes with sadness the passing of Anatol Eberhard on January 9, 2024, at his home in Sippewissett (Falmouth), Mass. A researcher of marine bioluminescence, Eberhard was retired from Ithaca College, where he was professor of Chemistry.

In 1962, Eberhard attended the MBLPhysiology course, where one of the faculty members was J. Woodland Hastings of Harvard University, a noted researcher in bioluminescence. Hastings became a lifelong mentor to Eberhard, who focused his research career on marine bioluminescence and identification of the autoinducer that regulates it. Eberhard met Physiology course assistant Carolyn Veeder at the 美女直播做爱, and they married in 1964.

While on the faculty at Ithaca College, Eberhard returned to the MBLas a Whitman investigator the summers of 1972-74 and 1976-77. He also served on the faculty of the Marine Ecology course in 1974.